A friend of mine shared your "Synchrony" message on YouTube in December. I was just coming out of 7 years in the wilderness. God used you to speak so intently to my broken heart & wounded soul. It led me on about a 3 month seclusion that turned out dozens of redemptive story poems. They are just beautiful. If there is a book published from them the word you received will have credit, so that God can get the GLORY.
You helped me so much as I sat and struggled with such a spirit of rejection for the past three days... the love that I felt through the screen, through the vastness of the worldwide web without sitting in front of you was felt so deeply. ❤
Thank you for the precious gift of your time and for leading people (including me) into encounters with Papa. You and what you offer is valuable beyond measure. (Denise)
Beautiful! I hear the father.
I feel so carried right now. Thank you for really taking your time for me. It's invaluable. I think you have given me some new keys... thank you! ... It was so valuable and I felt so held.
You are such an encourager. Thank you for taking the time to listen. You truly are a blessing with your generous spirit. ... The picture I get for you is an overflowing cup. You have so much of the Lord it just flows into other people's lives.
I have been praying to God to have someone who can hold my hand in my not so good moments and He sent you and since that day I heard you from the 4:14 challenge I knew it that there is something that God was doing and yes He confirmed it. Every day I am assured about His love for me because He is using you to comfirm what He said to me in my time with Him. You are a blessing in my life.
Joanna, you have such a gentle and sweet spirit. It is like the fragrance of roses in the coolness and dew of a fresh morning. It is soothing and peaceful to the soul!
Wow! I’m crying. Tears of awe. It’s like it was just for me! I receive & accept this. ✨???✨
You are so precious and sensitive and so full of love and kindness. Thank you for being so sensitive and you are doing a great job!!!Thank you thank
you thank you and God bless you abundantly
The heart of Father God flows from you!!
Felt like a warm blanket being wrapped around me. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing, I needed this word, I have a big decision to make. This is an awesome word!
Oh, you are such a blessing beautiful lady, you have such a gift of wisdom and knowledge and love it pours so freely out of you in overflowing amounts...Girl you bless us all!
This word! The Lord used it to confirm a very big step I am taking today... bless you for scribing!
There's so much in each sentence. It just speaks so much to
me. I'm so transformed by the way you
These prayers are so amazing. You really need to put some of them into a devotional book. (Similar to Jesus Calling) - but add room on the page for a call to action for the reader to journal the action steps that come to mind. They’re so life giving.
Amen thank you so much for sharing this. I really hope you write a book. I LOVE reading what you write. Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I am so encouraged by His words through you!!!❤️???
Soo beautiful!! Always a wellspring of life springing up!! Thank you!!
Beautiful! Full of Love. Keep on sharing what God reveals to you.
Thank you so much ☺️ Gods love ❤️ and His presence was so real as I read this. Thank you Heavenly Father!
Such a blessing.... reading it nudged me to take an hour extra quiet time with the Lord, and it was so sweet... To rest and listen and journal with HIM:) Thank you for sharing.... You are His sweet fruit of the vine.....???????
So beautifully written. I had to read it several times to grasp the depth of it’s message. Thanks for sharing. You are gifted & anointed.
This is REALLY a good word for me Joanna! I’m soaking it in...
Thank you once again for listening to Papa's heart and then sharing your treasure with us all. I receive this word!
Wow!! Absolutely receive this beautiful prophetic word… Thank you for posting it! It is ringing true in my heart. ??
Glory be to God! Thank you Abba for this invitation once again. You are awesome and wonderful in all Your ways. Yes and yes and yes to all You are saying. Thank you ????
Just beautifully written and so very true and touching touched me to the core, you go girl YOU ARE A WARRIOR PRINCESS OF THE KING OF KINGS!!! ?
Thanks for sharing. Again, it was like it was just for me! ?? Thank you. ✨???✨
Thank you for this. It is exactly what I need to hear this morning. Thank you for taking the time to share I it and for writing it down.
Thank you soo much!! Such loving and gracious words!!
❤️ this was so touching and I felt that you were speaking directly to me.
I was praying for you today thanking Papa for you and how He is using you in my life suddenly it was like I was in a room in a new house and I was lying on the bed and next to it was a music player
and as I switched it on I heard your voice and you were talking about Papa's love and from that day everyday when I woke up I switched it on to hear fresh Manna.
He has annointed your voice to soften even the hardest heart and many broken hearts will be healed as you minister
His love to them.
Thank you! I felt safe and it was a beautiful
God used you to push me back in!! He had me write in my journal some things I NEED to do!!
Thank you for sharing our Lord's heart and love. You are precious oil being poured out. ?
Joanna, I love your beautiful soul. Your message is so good and encouraging. (Sherry P.)
Amazing value in this group
I can’t thank Papa enough for you and how your words are used by Him in my life right now!!!
Thanks. I am so blessed to have this precious group of likeminded
I'm so grateful to be part of a group who love Jesus and do show it by their
actions. One of the best things in life for me now is to experience relationship with godly people who are real and
transparent. I love the transparency of this group and I believe with all of my heart it is my now season! Thank you so much for working so hard and making yourself so available for all of us. You are such a diligent daughter of the king
Your message this morning was so powerful and I connected to every part.
I’m so excited for what this month holds and that we get to do it together!! Your introduction and welcome blessed my heart and confirmed that I am exactly where God wants me to be!!
Have you heard her Song of Songs yet? They are the BEST to fall asleep to! It’s as if an angel is speaking to me! Love Joanna’s heart! She is the real deal!!! She is in tune with His voice. He speaks to her! She is precious!
She has blessed me through her writers challenges and through her friendship! (Kimmy S.)
Sooooo BEAMING PROUD of this young lady not only has this sister blessed me with our connection & friendship she stepped out in faith and launched what God put on her heart & created her YouTube channel... This is blessing Me this a.m. thought there are MANY in here who also would be blessed by it & her channel so I am sharing it here....Sooooo beautiful. Joanna Immanuel has such a peaceful spirit & this is so relaxing & beautiful to watch - her images are amazing GREAT for your morning coffee or tea routine...Hope you all are blessed by it also.. (Laura S.)
Thank you so much for telling me about this! I love this and I look forward to listening to more of these videos! I love wisdom and love the fresh inspiration the Spirit. (Sharon R.)
Soaking & being blessed tonight with this YouTube channel, the images are stunningly beautiful so is our sister's relaxing, peaceful blessed voice & if you have not done so already I highly recommend ya check it out, support and subscribe & ENJOYYYYY as I KNOWWWW you all will... (Laura)
I just wanted to thank you for doing the INKLINGS CHALLENGE for these past 11-12 days! Though I've been busy, it provided a space for me to dedicate on the new version of my ebook and reach a level of completion that has eluded me in the past. (Pam A.)